الخميس، 9 أغسطس 2012

Alternative Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer represents one out of every three new cancers diagnosed in the United States. Primarily there are two variations on this disease, malignant melanoma (skin cancer in the form of moles) & non-melanoma. Malignant melanoma is more serious and need to be attended to right away by medical staff. As for the non-melanoma, there are two basic varieties, basal and squamous cell carcinoma, of the former being the more common type and roughly six times more frequent than malignant melanoma. Skin cancer can be devastating to come to grips with but alternative medicine has no shortage of treatments.
Conventional medical treatments used to cure cancer can seem worse physically on the patient than the cancer itself. This is one of the many reasons that more and more patients are starting to turn to natural alternatives for their cancer treatments.
Alternative Skin Cancer Treatment for Patients
One of the alternative skin cancer treatment is a topical paste that you may apply to the area where the cancer is present. This paste actually seeks out and destroys cancer cells. Dr. Frederic E. Mohs and Dr. J. Weldon Fell were both well-known authorities in using this paste. Dr. Fell was a faculty member at New York University. Later he was one of the founders of the New York Academy of Medicine.
Another form of treatment is the use of vitamins and herbs such as Bloodroot. More well-known options include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and calcium. These are great for helping your body to get rid of the cancer. Diet is yet one more method to treat cancer naturally. You may want to change your diet as there are things like sugar that enable the cancer to spread at rapid speeds.
Ty has lost 7 close family members due to cancer. He devoted the last decade of his life to medical research to find alternative skin cancer treatment and cures so you and your family don't have to experience the same tragedy.

الأربعاء، 8 أغسطس 2012

Popcorn: The perfect health snack GO FOR IT:D

Don't forget to pick up a tub of popcorn the next time you go for a movie at a nearby theatre, for a new study has claimed that the humble cinema snack is the perfect health food.

Researchers at the University of Scranton have found that popcorn — already known for being fibre-packed and relatively low in fat — is packed with more health-boosting antioxidants than fruits and vegetables.

Antioxidants are known to reduce one's risk of cancer, dementia and even heart disease. And, the potent antioxidants, called polyphenols, in popcorn can fight harmful molecules that accumulate in the body and damage cells. They can also help to increase blood flow by relaxing the arteries, the 'Daily Express' reported. The researchers said polyphenols are more concentrated in popcorn, which averages only about 4 per cent water, compared with the 90 per cent that makes up many fruits and vegetables.

In fact, the study revealed that the amount of polyphenols found in popcorn was up to 300 mg a serving, which would provide 13 per cent of an average intake of polyphenols a day.

In another surprising finding, the researchers discovered the hulls of popcorn, the part everyone hates for its tendency to get caught in the teeth, has the highest concentration of polyphenols and fibre.

Dr Joe Vinson, who led the study, said: “Those hulls deserve more respect. They are nutritional gold nuggets.”

Popcorn may be the perfect snack food. It's the only snack that is 100 per cent unprocessed whole grain.

"One serving of popcorn will provide more than 70 per cent of the daily intake of whole grain. The average person only gets about half a serving of whole grains a day and popcorn could fill that gap in a very pleasant way." But Dr Vinson cautioned that the way it is served — cooking it in oil and adding butter, salt or sugar — can put a dent in its health benefits. Air-popped popcorn has lowest number of calories, compared with popping it in oil.

Claudia Mitchell - first woman to have a bionic arm - a prosthetic limb that she controls with her mind.

Claudia Mitchell, from Ellicott City, US, is the first woman to carry a

thought controlled bionic arm and the fourth person to receive it. Mitchell lost her left arm in a motorcycle accident. Now, if she wants to peel a banana, all she has to do is place her prosthetic left arm next to the banana and think about grabbing it. The mechanical hand closes around the fruit and she's ready to peel.

The bionic arm is capable of doing 4 of the 22 discrete movements of a normal arm, but researchers are working to improve this number.

Her device was designed by physicians and engineers at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, it works by detecting impulses in a chest muscle that has been rewired from the stumps of nerves that once went to her now-missing limb.

The Institute is part of a multi-lab effort, funded with $54 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), to create more useful and natural artificial limbs for amputees. It is dedicated to helping people with all levels and types of physical disabilities regain or improve their physical functions and empowering them to participate more fully in family, social, vocational and leisure time pursuits.

Pentagon pushes to create a lifelike prosthetic arm and hand - a mission made even more urgent as more soldiers come back from Iraq and Afghanistan without limbs. As of July, 411 members of the military serving in Iraq, and 37 in Afghanistan, have suffered wounds requiring amputation of at least one limb.

The first person to benefit from a "bionic-arm" was Jesse Sullivan, a Tennessee power company worker who lost both of his arms above the shoulder in a work related accident in 2001. Dr. Todd Kuiken at RIC developed a procedure to graft Mr. Sullivan's amputated nerve endings from his shoulder onto the pectoral muscle. As those nerves grew to innervate the chest muscles, the electrodes located over the graft began to pick up electrical signals reflecting the impulses and transmitting those to the mechanical prosthesis.

Mitchell benefits from the new second generation of thought-powered "bionic-arm," the most advanced prosthetic in the world today, requiring its wearer only to think about what he wants his arm to do and his prosthesis will do the job. Soon, she will benefit from the third generation prosthesis, still under development, that will allow her to also "feel" with an artificial hand. She is ready for it now

الشاى الأخضر للوقاية من سرطان الدم

الشاي الأخضر يعد واحد من أفضل الأعشاب الطبيعية والذي يحوي على مجموعة من المركبات الأساسية  التي يمكن إستخدامها كعلاج للمصابين بسرطان الدم اللمفاوي.
الشاى الأخضر للوقاية من سرطان الدم
وقد أشار موقع “هلث داي نيوز” أن مجموعة من الباحثين العاملين بـ”مايو كلينك” يبدؤون الأن مرحلة ثانية للاختبارات على الشاى الاخضر والتي تقوم علي مرضى مصابين بسرطان الدم اللمفاوي المزمن ليعرفوا الدور الذي تقوم به مركبات “إيبيغالوكاتيشين غالات” لعلاج هذا المرض.
وقال البروفسور “تيت شانافيلت” القائم علي البحث والمختص في أمراض الدم, إن الفوائد التي أظهرها هذا المركب علي معظم المرضى المصابين و الذين استخدموا هذه المركبات تشير إلى آن النشاط كان معتدل وقد يساعد على استقرار هذا النوع من سرطان الدم.
و البحث شمل  42 مريض ممن يعانون من سرطان الدم اللمفاوي وقد تبين أن ثلثهم انخفض عندهم  عدد الخلايا المصابة بالسرطان  بعد أن تم علاجهم بمركب “إيبيغالوكاتيشين غالات”.